LSAT Reading Comprehension (RC) Tips

Reading Tips:

Active Reader

Try to engage with the text while reading. What is the point of this paragraph? Does this argument make sense? Is there any evidence for this viewpoint? How can I attack their position? And so forth. It is hard to remember every little detail, but by understanding how the passage is structured and the arguments entailed we have a better mental map to guide us on the questions.


Sometimes it is helpful to reread the entire passage after doing a couple questions. You might start forgetting the structure or small details and need a quick refresher. When I say reread, I mean skim reading. It should only take 15 to 30 seconds.


Usually, the general point of view questions and a specific line questions are the easiest ones. The inference questions tend to be hardest. You can save these for last. By answering the easier ones first we will achieve a better understanding of the passage and hopefully make the those tricky questions more palatable.

Reading Paragraphs

I tend to read the first sentence and last sentence of each paragraph a little bit more slowly than the middle sentences. The first sentence usually introduces the topic of the paragraph, and the last sentence usually concludes the paragraph with important information. It should be noted that this is not always the case. Sometimes, the most important piece of info is the middle of the paragraph.

Don't Go Into the Answers Blind

After reading a question try to formulate your own answer before checking their answers. A lot of the possible answers are either tricky or confusing and by using your own answer we can use that as a guide.


I hardly ever make any notes or highlights when doing RC, but some students find it helpful. If you want to make some notes, then it is important to not go overboard. You don't want to run out of time, because you took too long highlighting and so forth. Just highlight key points, transitions, conclusions, and viewpoints.

Additional Notes

You can find more general tips here and you can also read our guide on the best LSAT books.

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